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North Dakota 7on7 Passing League



  • Dates: Saturdays, April 12th, 26th, May 3rd & Sunday, May 4th
  • Time: Between 2:00 pm – 7:00 pm
  • Duration: Each session lasts approximately 1-1.5 hours per occurrence and will include 2 games
  • Exact schedules for each grade will be determined closer to the kick-off date. 
  • K-12th: Co-ed leagues
  • 6th-12th: All-girls league (5v5 Flag)

Registration Rates & Deadlines:

Kindergarten: $55 (Jersey & Flags Included)

Grades 1-12: (Flags (1st-2nd) & Jersey (all ages) Included)

  • $110 Early Bird Rate thru December 1st at 11:59pm
  • $130 Regular Rate December 2nd – March 2nd at 11:59pm
  • $180 Late Registration Rate after March 2nd (based on availability)

Required Equipment: 

  • Soft shell helmets are required and can be purchased or rented during the registration process.
  • All participants are required to wear mouth guards during participation.

Join the Team:
We're looking for volunteer head coaches to make this experience even more memorable! All coaches must complete the safety and certification program. This includes background check, concussion training, safe sport act and code of conduct.

Team Formation:
Please be aware that individual friend requests are not allowed. However, if your player would like to be on the same team as another player, you can create a team at no additional cost. To do this, all players must complete their individual player registration forms.

Teams are typically formed based on schools first, and then by cities. Creating a team in advance is the only way to guarantee players will be placed together.

6th-12th: All Girls League (5v5 Flag)